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  1. 南京航空航天大学机电学院;
  • 出版日期:2010-02-25 发布日期:2010-02-25

Parameter Identification of Orbital Free-floating Space Robot

Tian Fuyang Wu Hongtao Zhao Daxu Shao Bing Sun Hongli Zhu Jianying(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016)   

  • Published:2010-02-25 Online:2010-02-25
  • Supported by:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(50375071);; 国防科工委“十一五”某预研基金资助项目

摘要: 文章以在轨自由漂浮空间机器人为研究对象,建立了基于空间算子代数的空间机器人运动学模型,研究了机器人本体和所抓取未知目标卫星的参数辨识问题,如本体和未知目标的质心、质量以及惯量张量等参数。首先基于空间算子代数理论建立空间机器人运动学符号模型;然后基于线动量及角动量守恒方程即可对空间机器人本体和未知目标卫星进行未知参数的辨识;随后分析了机器人的参数对辨识过程的影响以及参数辨识对控制规律的影响。在地面实验室中验证了本参数识别方法的可行性以及效果。

关键词: 机器人, 参数辨识, 空间算子, 运动学模型, 航天器

Abstract: The parameter identification methods for inertial parameters of the base and unknown objects handled by manipulators on a free-floating space robot was studied.First,kinematics model of robots based on spatial operator algebra theory was obtained.Next,parameter identification of the base was studied based on the conservation principle of linear and angular momentum,then parameter identification of the unknown object handled by manipulators was considered based on the parameters of the base.Finally,the effect of the robot parameters on parameter identification was analyzed.The feasibility of the parameter identification methods was demonstrated by a hardware experiment on the ground as well as the numerical simulations.