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  1. 北京控制工程研究所;
  • 出版日期:2010-08-25 发布日期:2010-08-25

Testable Designing Methods of Satellite Software

Yuan Li Wang Lei (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190)   

  • Published:2010-08-25 Online:2010-08-25

摘要: 随着星载软件复杂度的增加,提高软件测试效率对保证软件质量越来越重要,软件的可测试性设计成为提高软件测试效率的关键手段。文中针对星载软件的可测试性设计提出了四种方法:设计可测试的分层体系结构可将软件故障限制在层次范围内;合约式任务模板可规范任务的输入输出,降低任务间的耦合性;状态序列编码可用于动态指示软件的切换与流向;多任务调度记录与堆栈使用记录可用于静态复现一段时间内软件的详细工作过程。可测试性设计方法应用在某项目的软件研制中,软件测试效率有明显提高,证明方法可行有效。

关键词: 星载软件, 可测试性设计, 软件体系结构, 任务模板, 状态序列

Abstract: Satellite's on-board software is much more complex than before,so how to improve test efficiency of satellite software is very important for its quality.The effective testable software designing is the key for improving test efficiency of integrated on-board satellite software.Several testable designing methods were proposed including testable multi-layered software architecture used to restrict software defaults in a limited layer,task template in contract used to reduce the correlations between tasks,global status code series used to point out software flow dynamically,and task scheduling & stack records used to describe software flow statically.The data analysis indicates those testable designing methods mentioned are feasible and effective for improving test efficiency of satellite software.