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  • 发布日期:1986-02-25

UN Workshop on Advances in Space Science and Technology and its Applications held in Beijing

Yang Jia chi   

  • Online:1986-02-25

摘要: <正> 一九八五年十月二十一日至二十九日,由联合国和中国政府共同组织的“联合国空间科学技术和应用讨论会”在北京举行。参加讨论会的有来自联合国、世界气象组织、国际电信联盟、欧洲空间局的代表,以及加拿大、捷克、法国、民主德国、联邦德国、印度、日本、马来西亚、尼日利亚、蒙古、菲律宾、波兰、泰国、美国、苏联和中国等国家代表共六十多人。

Abstract: The Workshop was held in Beijing from Oct, 21 to 29, 1985. It is organized and sponsored jointly by the United Nations and the Government of the People's Republic of China. It provides the participants with a comprehensire view of the current status and foreseeable developments, to the year 2000, of space science and technology and its applications. Topics covered during discussions included basic space sciences, satellite communication and broadcasting systems, satellite meteology, remote sensing of the earth,commercial experiments and production in space,contributions of the developing countries to future advancements in space science and tehnology.