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  • 发布日期:1986-02-25

Digital Simulation of the Satellite Dynamics During Solar Array Deployment

Miao Bingqi   

  • Online:1986-02-25

摘要: <正> 一、引言由于运载工具头部的尺寸限制及发射期间的恶劣力学环境,卫星的太阳帆板在发射阶段一般呈收拢状态,直到卫星和运载火箭分离并进入自由飞行轨道后,帆板才展开成伸张状态,以便达到尽可能大的阳光收集面积。尽管展开过程持续时间不长,但帆板展开动作必然会影响卫星的姿态。特别是左右翼反对称展开引起的卫星姿态扰动可能更大。由于地面条件

Abstract: The satellite dynamics during solar array deployment is studied with the digital simulation method. After a comparison made between different methods available for dynamic analysis the D'Alembert's principle in Lagrange's form is used to derive the mathematical model governing the satellite dynamics. The satellite dynamics during solar array deployment is then digitally simulated for various deployment conditions, including symmetric and antisymmetric array deployment, non-synchronous release of the right and left array, different spring rigidities and array positions. Some useful conclusions are obtained after the simulation.