中国空间科学技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 51-59.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2024.0038

• 地月空间基础设施专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国空间技术研究院,北京100094
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-20 修回日期:2024-02-18 录用日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-06-05 出版日期:2024-06-25

Construction and transfer of space-based spatial-temporal reference in earth-moon space

ZHOU Huichao,ZHENG Jinjun,WANG Haihong,BI Shaojun   

  1. China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094,China
  • Received:2023-12-20 Revision received:2024-02-18 Accepted:2024-02-20 Online:2024-06-05 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: 地月空间正在逐渐成为人类太空探索活动的热点区域。高精度时间、空间基准的构建和传递是确保地月空间任务规划与实施的重要基础,既是地球时空基准的体系化拓展,也是提升地月空间时空信息保障水平的重要手段。随着GNSS系统的发展和稳定服务,地球区域时空基准设施相对完备。月球区域的导航系统与地球类似,国内外也提出了多种方案,但地月空间还包括地球、月球区域以外的区域,其时空基准实施的构建需要充分考虑空域大、动力学特殊等因素,在高效益实现时空信息服务的同时,将地球和月球的时空基准进行有机衔接。立足当前发展需求,开展了地月空间时空基准架构的设计,并针对地球、月球区域之外地月区域特点,研究并提出基于地月平动点的天基时空基准构建、溯源和传递方案,可支持实现地月空间时空基准信息服务,为地月空间时空基准的一体化构建与发展提供参考。

关键词: 地月空间, 平动点, 天基, 时空基准, 导航

Abstract:  Cislunar space is gradually becoming a focal area for human space exploration activities.Constructing a high-precision spatial-temporal reference and service is significant for planning and executing cislunar space missions.It is not only a systematic expansion of the spatial-temporal reference in the near-earth region,but also an important approach to enhance the guarantee capability of spatial-temporal information in cislunar space.With the development of GNSS,the infrastructure of spatial-temporal reference in the nearearth region is relatively comprehensive.The navigation system in the lunar region is similar to that of the near-earth region,and various solutions have been proposed.However,cislunar space also includes areas beyond the earth and the moon.Factors such as large airspace and particularity of dynamics should be adequately considered when the spatial-temporal reference is constructed,which can provide spatial-temporal information service with high benefits and connect the spatial-temporal reference of the earth and the moon organically.In this article,the spatial-temporal reference framework in cislunar space was designed based on the current demand of development.With characteristics of cislunar space beyond the earth and the moon considered,the scheme for constructing,tracing and transferring of the space-based earth-moon libration point spatial-temporal reference was researched and proposed.This scheme is anticipated to deliver a spatial-temporal information service with high accuracy and benefits,offering valuable reference for integrative construction and development of spatial-temporal reference in cislunar space.

Key words: cislunar space, libration point, space-based, spatial-temporal reference, navigation