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  1. 北京控制工程研究所,北京控制工程研究所 北京100080,北京100080
  • 发布日期:2008-06-25

Application of SINS/GPS/Landmark Integrated Navigation in Stratospheric Airship

Liu Tong Li Zhibin (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2008-06-25

摘要: 针对平流层飞艇的飞行特点,提出了SINS/GPS/陆标组合导航方法,给出了SINS/陆标组合导航的观测模型,并将Sage-Husa自适应滤波方法与联邦滤波相结合形成改进的自适应联邦滤波,用于SINS/GPS/陆标组合导航系统。数学仿真结果表明:新组合导航系统相对于SINS/GPS组合导航系统,可以有效改善平台误差角的估计精度,同时利用改进的自适应联邦滤波可有效提高全局滤波精度。

关键词: 全球定位系统, 组合式导航, 捷联惯性导航系统, 自适应联邦滤波, 平流层飞艇

Abstract: SINS/GPS/Landmark integrated navigation system was proposed according to the flight characteristic of the stratospheric airship.The observation equation of SINS /Landmark integrated navigation system was deduced and the improved SageHusa adaptive filtering method combined with federated filter was applied to SINS/GPS/Landmark integrated navigation system.Simulation results show that this new integrated navigation system can improve the attitude precision effectively relative to SINS/GPS integrated system and the improved adaptive federated filter can enhance the global estimation accuracy.