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  1. 中国空间技术研究院卫星应用系统部 北京100053
  • 发布日期:2007-06-25

Analysis of the View-angle of the Antenna on Movable Vehicles

Guo Wenjia(Satellite Applications System Department,China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100053)   

  • Online:2007-06-25

摘要: 静止轨道卫星与地球上移动载体间的数据通信时,要求移动载体在运动中始终保持通信链路信号不中断。从移动载体看卫星的仰角和方位角随移动载体在地球上的位置及其自身的姿态(方位,俯仰,滚动)而变,因此要求载体上天线既具有极宽的辐射方向图特性和良好的圆极化特性。按静止轨道卫星定点位置、载体工作地域、载体运动中姿态角(方位角、俯仰角、滚动角)变化范围,导出移动载体上天线实际需要的工作角域,为载体上天线辐射特性的设计给出了依据。

关键词: 地球静止轨道卫星, 数据通信, 天线, 移动载体

Abstract: The view-angle requirements for an on-board Earth-surface vehicle's antenna, that keeps data communications between the vehicle and a known GEO satellite were analyzed,taking into account of the vehicle movements in both geographical locations(in longitude and latitude) and attitudes(in pitch,yaw and roll) within a given range.The guidance for the on board antenna was given as well.By this way,the view-angle and polarization performance of the antenna for keeping continuously communications with the satellite was defined,and any over designed performance coursing unnecessary engineering efforts can be avoided.