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  1. 北京航空航天大学,中国空间技术研究院,北京航空航天大学 北京100083,北京100094,北京100083
  • 发布日期:2006-12-25

Lambert's Problem in Spacecraft Rendezvous

Zhu Renzhang~1 Meng Wei~2 Hu Xiting(1 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083)(2 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2006-12-25

摘要: 应用Lagrange转移时间方程研究空间交会中的Lambert问题,包括经典Lambert问题(飞行弧段不足一圈的椭圆型轨道转移)与多圈Lambert问题(飞行圈数超过一圈的轨道转移),阐述转移轨道的几何特性与转移轨道类型,分析转移时间与转移轨道参数及变轨速度增量之间的关系。对航天器交会中常用的圆轨道之间的双冲量转移,给定转移角与转移时间,阐述最小变轨速度增量所对应的转移圈数与轨道参数的求解方法,提出满足最小变轨速度增量要求的轨道转移的图解法。对给定的初始分离角与交会时间,按最小变轨速度增量要求,确定航天器交会的初始漂移时间、双冲量轨道转移时间与终端停泊时间。

关键词: Lambert问题, 航天交会, 转移轨道

Abstract: Lambert's problem is studied for spacecraft rendezvous.Main geometrical properties of transfer orbit are interpreted.The Lagrange equation for transfer time was used to analyze the relationship between the transfer-time and orbital parameters.A graph method was presented to find the optimal transfer revolution;and the minimum-Δv,fixed-time,two-impulse rendezvous(between) two spacecraft orbiting along two coplanar unidirectional circular orbits were studied.For a given rendezvous time and an initial separation angle,optimal initial and termingal coasting periods can be found via a comparing-one-by-one method to obtain the globally minimum-Δv.