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  1. 兰州物理研究所,兰州物理研究所,兰州物理研究所,兰州物理研究所 兰州730000,兰州730000,兰州730000,兰州730000
  • 发布日期:2006-04-25

Design on Constant Volume and Conductance Method Calibration System for Throughput

Zhang Dixin Guo Meiru Zhao Lan Zhao Dingzhong Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000   

  • Online:2006-04-25

摘要: 定容式流导法微流量校准装置是气体微流量的计量标准,由定容式流量计和流导法两部分组成,定容式流量计用于大流量的测量,流导法用于小流量的测量。定容式流量计有两种工作模式,可测量流入定容室的气体流量;也可测量流出定容室的流量。该校准装置,可采用定容法和流导法对气体微流量进行校准,校准范围为(5×10-2~5×10-11)Pa.m3/s,合成标准不确定度为0.56%~1.70%。

关键词: 流量计, 流量测量, 校准, 设计

Abstract: The constant volume and conductance method calibration system is a metrology standard for low range throughput.The calibration system is composed the constant volume flowmeter and the conductance method.The constant volume flowmeter can measure more gas flow and the conductance method can measure small gas flow.The constant volume flowmeter has two work modes.It can measured inflow or outflow gas flow from the constant volume.The vacuum leaker can be calibrated with the constant volume and conductance method.The calibration range is 5×10~ -2~5×10~ -11Pa·m~3/s,the combined standard uncertainty is 0.56%~1.70%.