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  1. 中国空间技术研究院,山东航天电子技术研究所,中国空间技术研究院 北京100086 ,烟台264000 ,北京100086
  • 发布日期:2004-12-25

The Application Analysis of Thermistor in Spacecraft

Zhang Jiaxun * Wang Hong ** Sun Jialin * (*Chinese Academy of Spacecraft Technology, Beijing 100086) (**Shandong Institute of Spacecraft Electrical Technology,Yantai 264000)   

  • Online:2004-12-25

摘要: 文章首先阐述了航天器对于测温传感器的需求 ,并对目前航天器在地面试验和飞行试验中 ,所采用的主要测温传感器的特点进行了概述。然后 ,以目前航天器在轨运行中应用最为广泛的热敏电阻为研究对象 ,介绍了它在航天器中的应用方案 ,以及为保证其测温精度、工艺可实施性和可靠性所应注意的问题。

关键词: 热敏电阻器, 温度测量, 热控制, 航天器

Abstract: This paper firstly presents the requirments for temperature sensor in spacecraft,and then the characteristics of the main temperature sensors used in the flight and ground test of the spacecraft are summarized.Thereafter,by taking the widest used thermistor during the flight operation of spacecraft as the example,its application scheme in spacecraft is introduced.Additionally,the problems of the thermistor associated with the measurement precision,technical feasibility and reliability,which should be noticed,are also introduced.