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  1. 北京控制工程研究所,北京控制工程研究所,北京控制工程研究所 北京100080 ,北京100080 ,北京100080
  • 发布日期:2004-08-25

A Control Method for Large Angle Rapid Maneuvering of Spacecraft Appendages

Guan Yifeng Li Tieshou Wang Dianjun(Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2004-08-25

摘要: 航天器附件大角度机动时 ,系统的非线性、耦合特性明显 ;对于附件控制回路 ,在要求附件快速机动的同时 ,也希望它能在到达目标位置处尽快的稳定下来。文章在反馈线性化的基础上 ,设计非线性微分控制律 ,显著改善了附件控制回路的动态性能 ,同时给出了闭环系统的稳定性证明。仿真结果表明 ,对于此类系统 ,本控制器设计方法是有效的。

关键词: 反馈控制, 非线性系统, 附件, 航天器

Abstract: Spacecraft appendages maneuver with large angle, the whole system is a nonlinear, coupled one. For the appendage control loops, it is required that appendages maneuver to the anticipated position and stabilize as soon as possible. Based on feedback linearization nonlinear differentiation control method is presented in this paper. The dynamic performance of appendage loops is improved and the stability of the closed-loop system is proved. At last, the result of simulation shows that this method is effective.