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  1. 上海交通大学航空航天信息与控制研究所,上海交通大学航空航天信息与控制研究所,航天医学工程研究所 上海200030 ,上海200030 ,北京100094
  • 发布日期:2003-12-25

Study on Human Errors in Manned Space Flight and Their Solution

Zhou Qianxiang Jing Zhongliang (Institute of Aerospace Information and Control, Shanghai Jiao Tong Unversity, Shanghai 200030) Jiang Shizhong (Institute of Space Medico-Engineering, Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2003-12-25

摘要: 文章首先将载人航天中产生人失误的原因分为三大类型 :载人航天器系统人机界面本身设计不当、生产加工与装配错误以及由人自身的局限性所引发的操作错误。在此基础上 ,详细论述了为防止航天员发生失误而采取的研究对策。最后 ,提出几点建议以供讨论。

关键词: 载人飞船, 人机接口, 航天员, 失误, 分析

Abstract: In this paper, fault which result in human errors in manned space flight are divided into three categories: the design defect of man-machine interface, astronaut's operation errors and system assembiling errors. On the basis, some methods to prevent human errors are expounded in detail. Finally, some points of view are put forward for discussion.