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  1. 北京特种工程设计研究所,北京特种工程设计研究所,北京特种工程设计研究所,北京特种工程设计研究所 北京100028 ,北京100028 ,北京100028 ,北京100028
  • 发布日期:2003-12-25

Research on Leakage Theory of Dual Sealing Structure and Application

Liu Yang Cui Zhanpeng Sun Chong Liu Xiquan (Beijing Special Engineering Design Institute, Beijing 100028)   

  • Online:2003-12-25

摘要: 建立了双密封结构系统的数学模型 ,通过理论分析和数值计算 ,揭示了双密封结构系统正压泄漏的漏率、漏量与泄漏时间关系的规律及其影响因素的结论。这些研究结果可用于双密封结构系统的设计、检漏和泄漏安全评估 ,以理论指导实践。

关键词: 密封, 数学模型, 应用, 航天器

Abstract: The mathematical model of dual sealing structure system is formulated. The conclusions of the relationship of the leakage rate, amount of leakage and time, and their influence factors are disclosed by theoretical analysis and numerical computation. These research results can be used as a guiding principle in design, leakage detection and leakage safety evaluation of the dual sealing system, to direct practice.