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  1. 中国空间技术研究院总体设计部 北京100086
  • 发布日期:2003-10-25

An Analytical Method for Controlling Near Circular Orbits

Yang Weilian (Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2003-10-25

摘要: 应用卫星绝大部分都是近圆轨道的卫星 ,其中又有很多是需要进行轨道控制的。在航天工程的实践中由于各种误差影响 ,实际的轨道控制过程并不是而且也没有必要基于精确的轨道动力学方程来执行。对于近圆轨道控制所用的动力学模型可以按圆轨道进行近似 ,得到一种非常简单的形式 ,基于这种简化的模型可以获得非常有用的分析解。为了从理论上证明这种简化的有效性 ,文中对动力学模型简化过程中所产生的各项误差进行了理论估计。

关键词: 卫星轨道, 轨道参数, 轨道控制, 误差分析

Abstract: Most of application satellites are running in near circular orbits, and many of them need to be controlled. In real application, it is unnecessary to use the exact dynamic equation for controlling, because a variety of errors exists. Instead, one can take circular orbit approximation, making it easy to handle then a very simple analytic solution can be derived. In order to prove the effectiveness of simplification all the errors ignored during the process of simplifying are estimated.