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  1. 中国空间技术研究院,中国空间技术研究院 北京100086 ,北京100086
  • 发布日期:2003-10-25

Research on Electric Depun Column-Array Antenna on Satellites

Ye Yunshang Zhang Zhengguang (Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2003-10-25

摘要: 对同步轨道自旋稳定卫星提出了一种 32列圆柱阵的电子消旋天线。该天线每列有 4个辐射单元 ,通过开关矩阵和数字可变功分器 ,对相邻五列阵顺序馈电形成覆球波束 ,在 0°~ 360°范围内周向扫描。利用星载地球敏感器输出脉冲作为角度参考 ,通过控制软件实现自主消旋 ,并获得了周向约 1 6°的波束跃度和电平起伏小于 1dB的平稳消旋结果

关键词: 消旋天线, 圆柱阵, 电子技术, 自旋稳定卫星, 同步轨道环境

Abstract: The electrical despun antenna of circular array of 32 elements around a cylindrical surface for a spin stabilized satellite on the synchronous orbit is suggested in this paper. Each element is formed by a column of four radiating elements in a linear array. By means of switch matrix and digital variable power dividers, five contiguous elements are excited simultaneously to form the beam of covering the globe, and then the scanning about the spin axis of the satellite through the circle is obtained. The angular reference is given by the pulses of the earth sensors that is utilized for synchronization at every satellite turn.Gain ripple less than 1dB and beam steps 1 6° in the course of 0°~360° scanning have been obtained.