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  1. 国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院,国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院,国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院,国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 长沙410073 ,长沙410073 ,长沙410073 ,长沙410073
  • 发布日期:2003-10-25

Integrated Optimization Design for Trajectory/System Parameter of Low Earth Orbit Launch Vehicle

Luo Yazhong Tang Guojin Liang Yangang Zhou Lini (College of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)   

  • Online:2003-10-25

摘要: 在运载火箭概念设计阶段 ,总体参数的确定结合轨迹优化设计能最大程度地提高设计性能。从工程实际要求出发 ,建立了运载火箭轨迹 /总体参数一体化优化设计数学模型。确定了近地轨道的发射轨道优化设计方法 ,采用多重参数化法将轨迹最优控制问题转化为参数优化问题。针对一体化设计问题的求解要求提出了相应的组合优化算法。结果表明 ,经过一体化优化设计 ,衡量运载火箭性能的一个重要指标———起飞总质量减少了约3 5 %。该优化模型及其求解软件已经被成功地应用到工程设计中

关键词: 一体化设计, 组合算法, 多参数系统, 运载火箭

Abstract: The system parameter design combining with the trajectory optimization design can efficiently improve the whole design performance of launch vehicle during its preliminary design. Considering engineering requirement a set of mathematical models for trajectory and system parameter integrated optimization design are developed. The optimization methods for launch trajectory of low earth orbit are discussed, and the optimal control problems are converted into parameter optimization problems by multiple parameterized methods. An adaptive combinatorial optimization algorithm for solving this integrated optimization design problems is put forward. The results show that the total takeoff mass, which is a very important index in designing launchers, can be reduced by 3 5%. The optimization models and corresponding software presented in this paper has been successfully applied in the engineering design.