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  1. 北京控制工程研究所 北京100080
  • 发布日期:2003-08-25

Reliability Analysis of Special Type of Redundant Inertial Attitude Reference System on Board

Yun Ben (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2003-08-25

摘要: 随着航天事业的发展 ,对航天器的长寿命提出越来越高的要求 ,需要简便可行的冗余方案以备工程所需。文中提出一种对于混合冗余系统的可靠性研究的计算方法。并将这种方法应用到星载惯性姿态参考基准上 ,提出了一种有别于常规冗余方案 (工作冗余加N中取K系统和N中取K加冷储备系统 )的新方案 ,为工程实现作了理论上准备

关键词: 可靠性分析, 冗余技术, 姿态控制

Abstract: With the development of space technology, components on satellites and spacecrafts are becoming more and more complicated, there is a need of more simple applicable redundant scheme and reliability analyzing method for engineering application. A new approach for a special kind of redundant system is proposed, which is applied in redundant inertial attitude reference system on satellites. It is a new redundant scheme that takes K out of N redundant system and cold store redundant system. It is proved that scheme is ready for engineering practice in theory.