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  1. 西北工业大学,西安航天推进技术研究院 西安710072 ,西安710100
  • 发布日期:2003-06-25

The Parameter Optimization of Tripropellant′s Engine for SSTO

Tan Songlin(The North West Polytechnology University, Xi′an 710072)Wang Hongrang(Airspace Propulsion Technology Institute, Xi′an 710100)   

  • Online:2003-06-25

摘要: 针对可重复使用的天地往返运载器运载任务 ,以三组元发动机的性能计算、分析为基础 ,以运载器的结构干质量为优化目标 ,对三组元发动机参数进行了优化分析。得到了对应于最小运载器干质量下的发动机最佳参数与发动机最佳模式转换时间 ,为将来的发动机详细设计打下基础

关键词: 三元推进剂, 发动机, 运载器

Abstract: The parameter of tripropellants engine for SSTO is optimized on the basis of performance calculation with respect to dry mass of launcher. The optimized parameters and transfer time of engine are obtained corresponding to the dry mass of the least launcher, which will lay the foundation of the detailed design of engine in the future.