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  1. 清华大学,清华大学,清华大学 北京100084 ,北京100084 ,北京100084
  • 发布日期:2003-06-25

Sensitive Analysis of the Dynamic Balancing of Small Satellites

Hou Yuemin Ji Linhong Jin Dewen(Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)   

  • Online:2003-06-25

摘要: 基于线性规划灵敏度分析技术和小卫星质心对中计算平台 ,分析质心偏差(Rc)、允许质心偏差 (Rc0 )、单个配重允许值 (wb)、卫星总质量 (Mc)对总配重 (W )的影响。分析表明 ,在允许配重位置确定的情况下 ,Rc0 ∝ 1 /Mc;Rc0 ∝wb;单个配重允许值低时 ,偏心增大显著增加总配重 ;偏心大时 ,放宽单个配重允许值可以有效降低总配重。分析结论同样适用于其他航天器和一般机械产品

关键词: 动平衡, 灵敏度, 线性规划, 小型卫星, 分析

Abstract: The effects of the mass eccentricity ( R c ), the allowed mass eccentricity( R c0 ),the balancing mass limit ( w b ), and the satellite mass ( M c ) on the total balancing mass ( W ) are analyzed based on the linear programming and the tool of balancing platform developed. It can be concluded that for certain balancing positions: 1) R c0 ∝1/ M c; 2) R c0 ∝ w b; 3) the increase of R c increases significantly W in the case of lower w b; 4) the increase of w b reduces significantly W in the case of larger R c. The conclusions are applicable for other aircrafts and mechanical products .