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  1. 北京空间机电研究所,北京空间机电研究所,北京空间机电研究所 北京100076 ,北京100076 ,北京100076
  • 发布日期:2003-02-25

Processing Remote Sensing Image of CCD Camera With Smoothness Constraint Restoration

Liu Qin Chen Shiping Ma Wenpo (Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100076)   

  • Online:2003-02-25

摘要: 重点研究了频域平滑约束复原方法以及该方法在遥感领域中的实际应用。文章先介绍了平滑约束复原方法的理论基础 ,然后用该方法对CCD相机的遥感图像进行了复原处理。讨论了遥感器系统调制传递函数 (MTF)曲线的拟合、遥感器系统MTF矩阵的构造以及复原参数的选择。可以得出结论 ,在一定条件下 ,利用平滑约束复原方法可以有效地改善整个系统的调制传递函数 ,从而使图像变得清晰

关键词: 遥感图像处理, 图像恢复, 频域分析, 调制传递函数

Abstract: The smoothness constraint method of image restoration in frequency domain and it s practical application in the remote sensing field are emphasized. The theory b ased on smoothness constraint restoration is introduced, then the remote sensing image of CCD camera with the method is processed. The curve fitting and the mat rix construction of remote sensor's system MTF are discussed and it also exp lains how the parameters of the restoration formula are choosed. Results show th at under certain conditions, the whole system MTF can be effectually improved by smoothness constraint restoration, consequently, the remote sensing image b ecomes clear.