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  1. 哈尔滨工业大学深空探测基础研究中心,哈尔滨工业大学深空探测基础研究中心,哈尔滨工业大学深空探测基础研究中心 哈尔滨150001 ,哈尔滨150001 ,哈尔滨150001
  • 发布日期:2003-02-25

Adaptive Backstepping Control Based Autopilot

Design for Reentry Vehicle Lian Baohua Cui Hutao Cui Pingyuan (Harbin Institute of Technology Deep Space Exploration Research Center, H arbin 150001)   

  • Online:2003-02-25

摘要: 自动驾驶仪设计的传统方法是基于分段线性化的增益规划法。近年来 ,以反馈线性化为基础的各种非线性控制技术得到了广泛的研究。文章基于一种不同于反馈线性化的退步控制思想 ,提出了一种新的非线性反馈自动驾驶仪设计方法。该方法考虑了系统输入的不确定性 ,采用了非线性在线优化方法保证舵偏与力矩之间更精确的映射 ,同时 ,通过引入自适应项以修正各种力矩偏差。利用这种方法 ,为再入飞行器设计了自动驾驶仪。仿真结果表明 ,提出的自适应退步控制方法是有效的 ,且设计过程简单 ,易于实现

关键词: 反馈控制, 非线性优化, 姿态控制, 再入飞行器

Abstract: The traditional method of autopilot design is piecewise linearization based gain scheduling approach. Recently, Variant control strategies based on feedback lin earization have been widely studied. In this paper, a new kind of control strate gy for design of autopilot with nonlinear feedback based on backstepping techniq ue is presented. According to this method, the input uncertainties are taken int o account by involving both nonlinear optimization to guarantee the accuracy of the mapping from actuator to moment and adaptive term to compensate the moment's bias. Finally, the autopilot of reentry vehicle is designed with this method. The simulation results show that the method of adaptive backstepping proposed in this paper is efficient. The design process is simpler than others and easy for implement.