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  1. 北京航空航天大学,北京航空航天大学,装备指挥技术学院 北京100083 ,北京100083 ,北京101416
  • 发布日期:2003-02-25

Approach of the Synthetic Effectiveness Evaluation of Satellite Systems Based on Fuzzy Reasoning

Feng Shuxing Xiao Yelun (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083) Chen Haoguang (Institute of Command and Technology of Equipments, Beijing 101416)   

  • Online:2003-02-25
  • Supported by:
    国家 8 63航天航空领域资助项目 代号 863 2 0 0 6

摘要: 卫星系统综合效能评估是开发、使用、优化卫星系统的基础。文章利用系统论原理建立了卫星系统综合效能评估指标体系结构 ,同时为评估指标的合理量化 ,研究了基于满意度模糊推理的定性与定量相结合评估指标量化的模型与方法

关键词: 卫星系统工程, 模糊推理, 效能分析, 评价

Abstract: Evaluating the synthetic effectiveness of Satellite Systems(SS) is an important task in developing, using and optimizing SS In this paper, a criterion system o f effectiveness for SS is given by use of system theorems, and the evaluation mo del and method of combined qualitative analysis with quantitative count based on satisfying degree fuzzy reasoning is studied in order to get a reasonable quant itative results of all the criterions.