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  1. 北京空间飞行器总体设计部,北京空间飞行器总体设计部 北京100086 ,北京100086
  • 发布日期:2002-08-25

The Optimum Method of Locking Telemetry Frame Synchronization

Wang Xi Hao Yanyan (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2002-08-25

摘要: 在遥测数据流存在误码的情况下 ,针对锁定帧同步的算法 ,给出如何求出该算法中最佳参数的方法 ,提出“平均入锁时间最小”是确定这些参数的重要依据。另外再综合考虑其它实际因素 ,给出 16位和 2 4位帧同步码对应的最佳参数。

关键词: 遥测数据, 帧同步, 算法, 参数最优化, 方法

Abstract: On condition that error codes occur in the telemetry stream, the method of getting the optimum parameters is supposed in accordance with the algorithm of locking frame synchronization. The minimum average time of getting lock of frame synchronization is the most important foundation to determine these parameters. Furthermore, the optimum parameters for 16 and 24 bits frame synchronization pattern are also presented with the consideration of other realistic factors.