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  1. 北京卫星环境工程研究所,北京卫星环境工程研究所,北京卫星环境工程研究所,北京卫星环境工程研究所 北京100029 ,北京100029 ,北京100029 ,北京100029
  • 发布日期:2002-06-25

Development of a New Helium Refrigerator System

Cai Chaoen Huang Bencheng Li Gao Wang Zijuan (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Beijing 100029)   

  • Online:2002-06-25

摘要: 气氦制冷系统是为内装式深冷泵提供冷源的一套系统。它是采用带液氮预冷的布雷顿闭式循环系统。设计了先进的氦气螺杆压缩机及先进的氦气透平膨胀机 ,同时还设计了独特的可拆式的多功能集成的冷箱系统及具有独特结构形式的内纯化系统 ,自动化程度高 ,该系统研制成功后 ,为“神舟一号”试验飞船 ,提供了做热真空试验的条件 ,同时还为今后需要 2 0 K冷背景的各种航天器的特殊试验提供了保障条件

关键词: 低温制冷, 氦, 研制

Abstract: The new helium refrigerator of space environment simulator supplies the cold environment for in cryo pump. Sucessful development of helium refrigerator represens the superiority of design. The advanced helium screw compressor, turbine dismantled vessel with integral functions and in purfier system with particular configuration are designed. This system is of high automatization We have conducted the thermal test of "shenzhou" experimental spacecraft by using this system In the future it will creat the guarantee condition for all kinds of spacecraft the tests of which need a 20K cold background.