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  1. 北京空间机电技术研究所,北京空间机电技术研究所 北京100080 ,北京100080
  • 发布日期:2002-02-25

Strategic Reserve for Space Remote Sensor

Yang Hua Fu Ruimin ( Beijing Institute of Space Machine and Electricity,Beijing10 0 0 80 )   

  • Online:2002-02-25

摘要: 结合中国国情及研制航天遥感器的现状 ,阐述了对航天遥感器实行战略储备的初步构想 ;并根据航天遥感器在实际应用中的技术特点 ,对实施遥感器战略储备的必要性、可行性和重要意义进行了分析。

关键词: 遥感器, 航天遥感, 战略储备, 分析

Abstract: Remote sensing technology has developed rapidly during the last decades. Thus,space remote sensor,whatevernew type orolder type to be,should be keptreserve for normal or emergency use.According to this opinion and the research and development of remote sensing in China,the necessity and feasibility of strategic reserve for the space remote sensor is analysed and discussed.