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  1. 北京卫星制造厂,北京卫星制造厂 北京100080 ,北京100080
  • 发布日期:2002-02-25

Sensitivity Calculation Formulas of Leakage Detecting Method

Yan Zhiping Huang Shuying ( Beijing Spacecraft,Beijing 10 0 0 80 )   

  • Online:2002-02-25

摘要: 为方便地选择检漏方法 ,设计检漏系统和估算检漏系统的灵敏度 ,文章推导了一些常用检漏方法的灵敏度估算公式 ,这些公式在航天密封产品的检漏实践中具有实用性

关键词: 检漏, 灵敏度, 选择, 设计

Abstract: The sensitivity calculation formulas of general leakage detecting methods are developed for the some objectives of selected leakage detecting method,designed leakage detecting system and calibrated system sensitivity.The formulas for the leak detection are applied in a sealed system .