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  1. 北京空间飞行器总体设计部 北京100086
  • 发布日期:2001-12-25

The Mitigation Measures of Space Debris and the Strategy of Study

Luo Gangqiao (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2001-12-25

摘要: 随着人类空间技术的进步和发展 ,每年发射进入太空的人造天体越来越多。当这些人造天体失效后 ,由于目前人类对其缺乏及时有效的回收手段 ,随着时间的推移 ,堆积在太空中的废弃物将越来越多 ,总有一天人类再也不能向太空中发射任何人造天体。因此为了合理利用和保护有限的太空资源 ,则必须减少或清除太空垃圾。文章正是基于上述目的 ,在人类尚无有效回收手段的情况下 ,考虑利用现有的技术提出一些空间碎片的减缓措施 ,并在此基础上提出中国对空间碎片减缓应采取的对策

关键词: 空间碎片, 阻滞, 研究

Abstract: A lot of spacecrafts will be launched into space along with the development and progress of human space science.Because of lack of effective recovery means,more and more invalid spacecrafts abandoned will be accumulated in space with time increasing.No spacecraft could be launched into space if mitigation measures aren't adopted.The mitigation measures of satellites and launchers must be taken into account for protection of space environment and decrease of space debris.Some existing technology will be applied into debris mitigation.The strategy and range of space debris mitigation study will be presented.