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  1. 国防科学技术大学,国防科学技术大学,西昌卫星发射中心 长沙 410073 ,长沙 410073 ,西昌 615000
  • 发布日期:2001-10-25

Effect of Time Asynchronous of Integrated Navigation System on Initial Alignment of Inertial Navigation System

Chen Bingfang Zhang Yulin (National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073) Zhao Huali (Xichang Satellite Launching Centre,Xichang 615000)   

  • Online:2001-10-25
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摘要: 在组合导航系统的实际应用中,由于系统间通信、计算 和卫星钟差等造成的时间同步问题已经越来越引起人们的关注。文章以INS/GPS(平台惯导/G PS )组合导航系统为例,研究了该组合系统中GPS的时间延迟对惯导系统初始对准各状态量的影 响机理;仿真结果表明,在运载器做圆周运动时,时间延迟会导致错误的方位角估计。

关键词: 组合式导航, 全球定位系统, 初始瞄准

Abstract: The effect of GPS measurement delay on initial alignment of GINS is analyzed.The simplified error models are presented.Under the conditi on of circular trajectory,the estimation error of heading angle will be erroneou s if the time asynchronous between INS and GPS is ignored. Subject Term Combined navigation Global positioning system Initia l aiming