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  1. 哈尔滨工业大学!哈尔滨150001,哈尔滨工业大学!哈尔滨150001,哈尔滨工业大学!哈尔滨150001,哈尔滨工业大学!哈尔滨150001
  • 发布日期:2001-06-25

Investigation into Material State Characterization of Debris Cloud Created by Cylindrical Projectile Impact on Bumper

Zhang Wei Pang Baojun Luo Dekun Zhang Zehua (Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001)   

  • Online:2001-06-25
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摘要: 微流星体及空间碎片的高速撞击威胁着长寿命、大尺寸航天器的安全运行 ,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。为精确估计微流星体及空间碎片高速撞击防护屏所产生碎片云对舱壁的损伤 ,必须确定碎片云中三种状态材料的特性。建立了碎片云特性分析模型 ,分别计算了柱状弹丸撞击防护屏所产生碎片云以及碎片云中弹丸和防护屏材料三种状态物质的质量分布。通过计算分析可见 ,弹丸以不同速度撞击防护屏所产生碎片云三种状态物质的质量分布是不同的 ,速度增大 ,液化和气化增强 ,对靶件的损伤小。而在速度小于 7km/ s时 ,碎片云以固体碎片的形式存在 ,对靶件的损伤大

关键词: 高速碰撞, 材料性能, 微流星体, 空间碎片

Abstract: High velocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation,that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.In order to conduct an accurate assessment of spacecraft module wall damage impacted by debris cloud created by meteoroids and space debris high velocity impact on bumper,the three state material characterization of debris cloud must be known.The analysis model of debris cloud material characterization is presented.The mass distribution of the three states of material in the debris cloud created by a cylindrical projectile impact on bumper is calculated.The mass distribution of the three states of material of projectile and bumper in the debris cloud is also calculated.The mass distribution of the three states of material of debris cloud is different when projectile high velocity impact on bumper with different velocity.As the impact velocity increases,the amount of the debris cloud material subjected to melting and/or vaporization is increase,the damage to module wall is small.When velocity is smaller than 7km/s,the debris cloud is in the state of solid,it has large damage to the module wall.