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  1. 装备指挥技术学院!北京101416,装备指挥技术学院!北京101416,装备指挥技术学院!北京101416
  • 发布日期:2001-06-25

A New Optimized Method for Quantitative Analysis of Fault Tree

Jin Xing Wu Jiangtao Hong Yanji (Institute of Command and Technology of Equipment,Beijing 101416)   

  • Online:2001-06-25
  • Supported by:
    973项目!课题名称为 :“材料性能基础数据的有效利用及环境损伤评价系统”的研究工作 ;编号为 G1 9990 650 1 0

摘要: 在布尔集合运算方法和不交化方法基础上 ,提出了单调关联故障树系统定量分析优化方法 ,通过故障树定量分析优化方法 ,可以方便地得到系统的可靠度、不可靠度、最小割集、最小路集、关键重要度等指标。

关键词: 故障树形图分析, 最小割集, 可靠性计算

Abstract: Based on the method of Boolean manipulation and disjoint method,a new optimized method is presented for quantitative analysis of s coherent fault tree.The reliability,probability of failure,minimal cut sets,minimal path sets and critical importance factor can easily obtained by the method.