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  1. 兰州物理研究所!兰州73000,兰州物理研究所!兰州73000,兰州物理研究所!兰州73000,兰州物理研究所!兰州73000,兰州物理研究所!兰州73000
  • 发布日期:2001-02-25

Design of Pressure Leak Calibration Apparatus

Zhang Dixin Zhang Jianjun Xu Heng Feng Yan Gong Yueli (Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000)   

  • Online:2001-02-25

摘要: 正压漏孔校准装置是一种校准气体漏率的计量标准设备 ,可采用定容法和定量气体动态比较法对正压漏孔校准 ,校准范围为 10 2~ 5× 10 - 5 Pa· L /s。该文介绍正压漏孔校准装置的校准原理 ,设计方法 ,参数选取。

关键词: 校准, 设备, 气体, 泄漏率

Abstract: The pressure leak calibration apparatus is a kind of a metrology standard for gas leak rate.The pressure leak can be calibrated with the constant volume method and the dynamic comparison method of quantitative gas.The calibration range is from 10 2 to 5×10 -5 Pa·L/s .The calibration principle,the design method and the parameters selection for the pressure leak calibration apparatus are introduced.