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  1. 北京控制工程研究所!北京100080
  • 发布日期:2001-02-25

Formation Flying of Small Satellite and Its Orbital Configuration

Lin Laixing (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2001-02-25

摘要: 由若干颗小卫星编队飞行组成一个分布式卫星 ,其功能相当或超过一颗大卫星 ,也称为虚拟卫星 ,这将开拓小卫星一个完全崭新的应用领域。文章首先论述编队飞行概念和轨道构成 ;其次讨论虚拟卫星可能的应用实例。

关键词: 小型卫星, 编队飞行, 分布式图形

Abstract: The distributed satellite consisted of many small satellites flying in formation is equivalent to or even exceed the capability of a single large satellite,which is referred as “virtual satellite”.The formation flying opens up a new application for small satellites.The conception fo formation flying and its orbital configuration are presented.Then some possible applications of virtual satellite are discussed.