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  1. 北京控制工程研究所!北京100080
  • 发布日期:2000-08-25

Effect of Spectral Bandwith in Infrared Earth Sensor on Design of Infrared Bandpass Filter for Satellite

Huang Xingeng (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080)$$$$   

  • Online:2000-08-25

摘要: 从卫星用红外带通滤光片的膜系设计出发 ,分析了地球敏感器的不同光谱波段 (工作波段 )对锗基片和碲片铅镀膜材料的吸收和透射率的影响 ,以及对滤光片膜系的等效折射率和反射损失的影响。给出了设计结果 ,提出了卫星用地球敏感器的最佳光谱波段。

关键词: 红外传感器, 光谱, 红外滤光片, 研究

Abstract: Based on the film system design of infrared bandpass filter for satellite, analyzes the effects of different spectral bandwith in earth sensor on absorption and transmitted of Ge substrate and PbTe cladding material,and on equivalent index of refraction and reflectance loss of filter film system.The result of the design is given.Best spectral bandwith of earth sensor for satellite is proposed.