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  1. 北京卫星信息工程研究所!北京100080,北京卫星信息工程研究所!北京100080
  • 发布日期:2000-08-25

The Feasibility of Determining the Orbit of Geostationary Satellites Using GPS

Yu Jianglin Liu Dongsheng (Beijing Institute of Satellite Information Engineering,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2000-08-25

摘要: 总结了几种利用 GPS对地球静止轨道卫星定轨的方法 ,并且对仅仅接收 GPS星发射的信号来定轨这种方法进行了计算论证。得出了 GPS星在一个计算周期 (2 4 h)内对于静止卫星的可利用性 ,比较了不同条件下的可利用性。通过对可利用性分析 ,提出了一种利用 GPS对静止卫星定轨的方法

关键词: 地球静止卫星, 全球定位系统, 定位, 可用性

Abstract: The several methods of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites using GPS are summarized.The calculation demonstration is carried out according to the method of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites which only receive the signals transmitted by the GPS constellations.The availability of GPS for geostationary satellite in one period of 24 hours is obtained after computation,and the availability under different conditions is discussed.Upon analyzing the availability of GPS,a method is proposed to determine the orbit of geostationary satellites using GPS.