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  1. 北京航空航天大学!北京100083,中国空间技术研究院!北京100081
  • 发布日期:2000-04-25

Analytic Solution of the Nonlinear Equation of Relative Motion with Small Constant Thrust

Zhu Renzhang (Beijing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics,Beijing 100083) Li Yili (Chinese Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081)   

  • Online:2000-04-25

摘要: 阐述追踪航天器相对目标航天器的运动方程的建立 ,以线性相对运动方程分析解为基础 ,推导出非线性相对运动方程分析解 ,这里目标航天器沿一般椭圆轨道 (包括圆 )运动 ,追踪航天器受常值推力作用或在自由状态下运动

关键词: 轨道交会, 相对运动, 非线性分析, 航天器

Abstract: Accurate equations of the relative motion are discussed,and analytic solutions of the linear equations are derived,based on analytic solutions of the linear equations,where the target vehicle moves on an elliptic orbit and the chaser vehicle is acted by small constant thrust.