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  1. 福建师范大学!福州350007,兰州物理研究所!兰州730000
  • 发布日期:2000-02-25

Quartz Accelerometers Used in Space Frecture Characterization Research

Jia Cuihong (Fujian Teachers' University,Fuzhou 350007) Xue Datong (Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000)   

  • Online:2000-02-25

摘要: 空间用石英加速度计是以熔融石英玻璃经特种加工形成石英挠性摆作为主要结构。石英材料很脆, 石英加速度计在空间振动、冲击、高低温变化等恶劣环境下使用, 容易造成摆片挠性支撑处断裂。文章通过试验, 对其进行了断裂特性研究, 获得了一系列重要数据和结论, 可为空间用石英挠性加速度计的设计与应用提供参考。

关键词: 石英晶体, 加速度计, 空间环境, 断裂试验

Abstract: Quartz accelerometers used in space are made of fused quartz glass.It is the most important characterization.Their springy supports are easily fragile because of bad conditions in space,such as vibration,shock,changing temperature between high and low.Experiments on their fracture characterization are made and many important data or results are obtained.