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  1. 国防科技大学!长沙410073,国防科技大学!长沙410073
  • 发布日期:1999-12-25

A Discussion on Collision Checking for Constellation Design

Yan Ye Ren Xuan (National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073)   

  • Online:1999-12-25

摘要: 对于卫星数量较多的星座, 在星座设计过程中就应当考虑避免星座运行过程中卫星之间的碰撞现象。文章首先针对发生在赤道上空的严格碰撞现象进行了研究, 提出了避免赤道碰撞的星座参数配置方法; 进一步从广义碰撞检测要求出发, 对星座中卫星间的相对距离变化规律进行了研究, 并给出了设计阶段解决碰撞问题的方案。文中的内容对星座设计工作有一定的帮助。

关键词: 星座, 设计, 碰撞, 赤道轨道

Abstract: In process of designing a constellation which has a large quantity of satellites,the possibility of collision between satellites should be considered.The collision events must be avoided in constellation design.A research on proper collide above equator is introduced at first.Further,the movement rule of relative distance between satellites is given in terms of generalized collision.Some methods to avoid collision in constellation design are also given.This paper provide some useful results for constellation design.