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  1. 北京航空航天大学宇航学院!北京100083,北京航空航天大学宇航学院!北京100083
  • 发布日期:1999-10-25

The Conditions and Relative Trajectories for Astronaut Departing From Large Size Space Station

Zhang Xiaomin Xiao Yelun (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083)   

  • Online:1999-10-25

摘要: 应用航天器近距离相对运动动力学方程,在计及空间站尺寸的条件下,研究了大型空间站航天员出舱条件及相对运动轨迹。研究表明, 当航天员在空间站的上、下表面或前表面下方、后表面上方时, 如果没有约束, 将发生自由漂移,其相对运动的轨道平面内模态为中心漂移的椭圆; 如果航天员在相应的位置上有动力 (主动) 出舱, 其相对运动的轨道平面内模态可以为直线、定常椭圆和中心漂移的椭圆, 这与把空间站简化为质点时的结果有本质差别, 因此不能再将空间站视为质点。通过改变航天员的离舱点和离舱速度, 可以改变出舱相对运动轨迹,以满足一定的舱外活动要求

关键词: 相对运动, 轨迹, 动力学, 航天员, 空间站

Abstract: By using dynamical equations of short distance relative motion with consi deration of the size of space station, the conditions and relative motion trajectories for astronaut departing from large size space station are studied. At the positions on up outside, down outside, downward fore outside or upward back outside, 1) when not bound, the astronaut will drift freely without power, his relative motion mode in orbit plane is ellipse with drifting center; 2) the relative motion mode in orbit plane for powered departure is straight line, steady ellipse or ellipse with drifting center. These results are essentially different from those based on the model of space station as mass point. Depending on departure positions or departure velocities, different extravehicular relative trajectories could be achieved in order to satisfy various requirements.