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  1. 北京指挥中心!北京100094,北京指挥中心!北京100094
  • 发布日期:1999-10-25

A Study on Using Three Station United Measured Iteration to Solve Spacecraft Position

Cao Xueyong Liu Chengjun (Beijing Command Center,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:1999-10-25

摘要: 针对用三站联测测距数据确定飞行器位置的迭代法作了一些探讨, 运用矩阵迭代理论、场论、张量分析的知识分析了迭代法的收敛特性, 并且给出了迭代收敛点处于地表以下的合理解释

关键词: 雷达测量, 迭代解, 算法, 位置, 航天器

Abstract: Using three station united measured data to determinate spacecraft position by iteration is studied.The convergence property of iteration is analysed based on matrix iterative solution and field and tensor theory.A reasonable explanation is given that iterative convergence point is under the ground.