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  1. 兰州物理研究所!兰州730000,兰州物理研究所!兰州730000
  • 发布日期:1999-10-25

A Study of the Antistatic Technology for Satellite Antenna

Ding Xiaolei Lu Yusun (Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000)   

  • Online:1999-10-25

摘要: 论述了卫星天线的主要电环境:地球同步轨道和低高度极轨空间环境;卫星天线表面充电的危害性; 抗静电膜的发展水平。已研制出了导电膜+ Kapton(聚酰亚胺) + 温控漆的复合结构抗静电膜和加有氧化锡的可溶性高聚物涂层。通过环境效应试验、抗静电膜对天线电性能影响的试验和模拟极光充电环境下的充放电评估实验, 证明抗静电膜符合天线性能要求, 并可以有效控制天线表面的充电电位

关键词: 等离子体环境, 卫星天线, 防静电, 膜, 研究

Abstract: The prime space plasma environment of the satellite and its antenna in the geosynchronous orbit and low altitude polar orbit is introduced.The charging on the surface of satellite antenna is dangerous to the satellite electronics.The compound configurations of the antistatic film coating the white paint to the inner surface of the Kapton,the conductive film to the outer surface of the Kapton,and the soluble polyimide with tinoxide are developed.The environment effectiveness test,the effect of antistatic film on the antenna performance test and charging-discharging review test under the charging environment are presented.The results of the tests show that the antistatic methods can satisfy the frequency requirements of antenna and prevent the surface of antenna from charging.