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  1. 清华大学!北京100084,清华大学!北京100084
  • 发布日期:1999-08-25

Hill Guidance Error in Rendezvous and Docking

Zhou Di Mu Chundi( Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)   

  • Online:1999-08-25

摘要:  在交会对接的自动寻的阶段, Hill制导的精度受多种误差因素的影响。介绍这些误差因素,并着重研究了导航误差和控制误差与瞄准点误差之间的关系,给出了基本分析公式。根据误差公式, 研究了如何通过设计交会轨迹来减小这两项误差对终端精度的影响。结合一种典型的 Vbar 接近轨迹, 给出了仿真结果; 结果同样适用于 Rbar 接近。

关键词: 航天器对接;Hill制导;瞄准误差;分析

Abstract: In the autom atic hom ing phase ofautom ated rendezvous and docking, theaccuracy of Hillguidance is concerned w ith severalerror factors. The error factors consid ered here are navigation and actuation errors. Basic analytic form ulas correlating targetingerror to navigation error and actuation error are given. Based on the form ulas, how to de sign a rendezvous trajectory to reduce the influence ofthe error factors on term inaltarget ing accuracy is studied. Fora typical V bar approaching path, sim ulation results are pre sented. The results in this paper also suit R bar approaching path.