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  1. 清华大学!北京100084,清华大学!北京100084,清华大学!北京100084,清华大学!北京100084
  • 发布日期:1999-08-25

Num erical Study of Ventilation and Heat Transferunder Micro-gravity Environment

Wu Qungang Liang Xingang Guo Zengyuan Ren Jianxun( Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)   

  • Online:1999-08-25
  • Supported by:
    国家航天 863 项目;国家自然科学基金

摘要: 为在地面模拟空间站舱内的流动与换热, 以两顶角集中进风、两底角集中出风的通风方式为对象, 研究了微重力条件下复杂空间内的对流换热地面相似模拟问题; 采用数值分析方法, 分别考察了方腔中无隔离物、有绝热隔离物、有等温隔离物以及有等温悬浮物的几种比较有代表性的不同情形, 给出了每种情形下不同比例模型的流动与换热情况的数值模拟结果, 并针对各种不同情形进行了分析说明。分析表明, 集中通风方式更有利于抑制自然对流的影响; 对于空间结构复杂问题, 通过缩小模型、保持 Re数可以达到消除重力影响、保持模型与原型的 Nu 数不变、流场和温度场相似的目的; 具体的模型比例与空间结构有一定关系, 就集中通风方式而言, 工程上其合宜的比例一般为1∶5。

关键词: 微重力环境;通风;空间站;数值计算;模型

Abstract: In order to sim ulate the airflow and heattransfer in a space station cabin,num erical analyses of heat transfer and ventilation in a com plicated cabin under m icro gravity environm entare carried outin w hich cases w ith slotair inletatthe top corners andoutletin thebottom corners arediscussed. Fourrepresentative casesw hich are em pty cabinand cabins w ith adiabatic/isotherm alobstacles are studied. The num ericalresults ofheattransfer and ventilation under various m odel scales in each configuration are elucidated. The research enunciates that shot inlet is m ore effective to suppress natural convection. Even for com plicated configuration problem s, naturalconvection can be dram atically de pressed w hen the m odelsize is properly reduced. How everthe concrete m odelsize com pa ratively depends on the given configuration. As far as the slot inlet ofventilation is con cerned, the appropriate m odelscale can be chosen as 1v5 in engineering applications.