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  1. 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所!上海200050,中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所!上海200050,中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所!上海200050
  • 发布日期:1999-08-25

Mechanism of Degradation of Zn O Pigm ent Induced by Ultraviolet Irradiation in Vacuum

Liu Chaofeng Wang Zhenhong Hu Xingfang( Shanghai Institute of Ceram ics, Chinese Academ y of Sciences, Shanghai 200050)   

  • Online:1999-08-25

摘要: 研究氧化锌色素在真空紫外辐照下的降解机理, 目的是为设计在空间环境下稳定的氧化锌热控涂层提供理论依据。仔细研究了自由电子在氧化锌中的吸收特性及真空紫外辐照对氧化锌电导的贡献, 认为真空紫外辐照引起氧化锌色素表面化学吸附氧的解析, 同时在氧化锌色素表面产生大量的氧空位, 氧空位提供了导带中的自由电子, 自由电子在导带内跃迁吸收近红外光子引起氧化锌色素光学性能的退化。

关键词: 氧化锌;真空紫外辐射;降解;光电导率;涂层

Abstract: The degradation of Zn O caused by Ultraviolet irradiation in vacuum is studied in this pa per. The objective ofthis study to understand the degradation process in order to produce coatings that arem ore resistant to radiation dam age. The absorption of free carriers produced due to the change of photocon ductivity under the vacuum ultraviolet irradiation is discussed and analyzed. A degradation m echanism in Zn O is proposed in this paper. It can be related to the desorption ofchem isorbed oxyen. The desorption ofchem isorbed oxygen leads to the production of oxygen vacancies in Zn O w hich produce free electrons inconduction band. The degradation of optical properties of Zn O can be attribu ted to the absorption offreeelectrons in near infrared region.