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  1. 兰州物理研究所!兰州730000,兰州物理研究所!兰州730000,兰州物理研究所!兰州730000
  • 发布日期:1999-08-25

Portable Gas Leakage Monitor with Mass Spectrom eter and Film Technology

Zhao Zhong Wang Rongzong Sun Tianhui( Lanzhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000)   

  • Online:1999-08-25

摘要: 传统的监测技术往往采用单一的方法或者采用质谱加色谱联用的技术, 设备大都比较笨重, 操作复杂。随着现代工业的发展, 急需研制体积小、质量轻的便携式仪器, 同时具备灵敏度高、分辨能力强、可靠性高等特点的检测仪。利用质谱检测的高分辨能力和敏感膜的高灵敏度, 文章提出了质谱加薄膜联用进行气体泄漏监测的全新思路,并主要论述了检测仪的研制和性能实验研究等内容,最后结合其在航天领域的应用, 对甲基肼、无水肼等气体进行了实际的监测。监测结果表明, 该检测仪对上述气体的检测浓度灵敏度达到了1×10- 6 , 可靠性也有了显著提高。

关键词: 气体检测器;质谱;薄膜;研制

Abstract: The traditionalgas leak detecting m ethods alw ays adopt single m ethod or M S/ G Ctechnique. The instrum ents are bulky and it's difficultto operate them . With therapid developm ent of m odern industry, m onitors w ith sm all size and lightw eight are ingreatneed. In addition,the m onitors m usthave high sensitivity,strong differentiate abilityand excellent security. Com bined the m ass spectrom eter and sensitive thin film together,m anufacture and perform ance is discussed experim entofthe portable gas leak m onitor. Itsapplications in spaceflightare introduced also.