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  1. 北京控制工程研究所
  • 发布日期:1999-04-25

A Study of Compound Control in Tracking and Pointing System of Flexible Antenna on Satellite

Qi Chunzi Lü Zhenduo (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:1999-04-25

摘要: 在抑制弹性振动研究的基础上,根据全系数自适应控制的原理,对挠性卫星天线跟踪指向系统进行了复合控制器的分析和设计,并在这个多变量系统中取得了满意的解耦控制效果。最后,考虑到工程应用的实际情况,给出了满足工程要求的卫星天线跟踪指向控制系统数学仿真结果。

关键词: 挠性结构, 航天器天线, 自适应控制, 研究

Abstract: Based on the study of restraining vibration and by the method of all coefficient adaptive control,the paper analyses and designs compound controllers on a tracking and pointing system of flexible antenna on satellite.The method also achieves good decoupling control results in this multivariable system.Finally,the paper gives the simulation results that meet the engineering demands.