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  1. 哈尔滨工业大学,北京航空航天大学
  • 发布日期:1999-02-25

Numerical Simulation on Action of Atomic Oxygen to Spacecraft Surface Material

Gao Shaolun Zhou Ding (Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001) Cai Guobiao (Beijing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics,Beijing 100083)   

  • Online:1999-02-25
  • Supported by:

摘要: 对低地球轨道环境对航天器表面材料的影响和航天器表面材料的低地球轨道环境寿命评定方法进行了介绍;并对低地球轨道环境和地面试验环境下,有无保护涂层的聚酰亚胺所受冲蚀作用进行了成功的数值模拟,获得了具有工程应用价值的数值计算结果。该项工作对航天器的设计具有指导意义。

关键词: 空间飞行环境, 低轨道, 原子氧, 航天器, 数值仿真

Abstract: This paper introduces the influence of the LEO environments on spacecraft surface materials and the evaluating technology of lifetime of spacecraft surface materials in LEO.In this work,numerically simulate influence of atomic oxygen on polyimide with or without coated layer both in LEO and ground experiment environments.As a result,the present work provides a good guideline to the design of spacecraft.