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  1. 兰州物理研究所
  • 发布日期:1999-02-25

A Combined Method for Gauging Liquid Propellant Remaining on Satellite

Zhang Tianping Da Daoan Chen Zhen Zhu Xiaolan (Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000)   

  • Online:1999-02-25

摘要: 提出并讨论了一种实现在轨卫星液体推进剂剩余量高精度测量的原理性方法。该方法基于推进剂消耗产生的自激励效应,利用配置在贮箱上的温度、压力传感器和推进剂管路上的流量计等数据测量设备,即可进行推进剂剩余量测量。

关键词: 液体推进剂, 流量计, 传感器, 测量, 卫星

Abstract: A principle method of combining flowmeter with PVT was proposed and discussed.And it can be applied to measure liquid propellants on a satellite in orbit with high accuracy.