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几种256Kbit SRAM芯片的单粒子翻转规律


  1. 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心
  • 发布日期:1999-02-25

Some 256Kbit SRAM Single Event Upset Rates and Distributions

Sui Houtang (Center for Space Science and Applied Research,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:1999-02-25
  • Supported by:

摘要: 给出了实践4号(SJ-4)星载IDT71256D高速CMOS静态存储器和HM8832异步静态存储器单粒子事件(SEU)的总翻转率,器件类型翻转率,逻辑状态翻转率,并与国外某些卫星的监测结果进行了比较。另外对部分SEU数据进行了统计分析,给出了SEU的片上地址和到达时间差的分布规律及拟合曲线。

关键词: 半导体存储器, SEU率, 统计分析, 指数分布

Abstract: In this paper,using Single Event Upset (SEU) data collected by high speed static RAM IDT71256D and asynchronous static RAM HM8832 of SEU Monitor on board SJ 4 spacecraft,the total upset rate,the device type and the logic upset rates are obtained and compared with other space experiment results.In addition,the SEU distribution histograms and fit exponential decay curves for the differences of SEU address on chip and arrive time are given by statistic analysis based on portion of SEU data,and finally the conclusions are given.