Chinese Space Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 128-134.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2023.0027

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Link-state-based adaptive interference cancellation for cabin in spacecraft

LIANG Wei,LI Jun,LI Jingling,CUI Tao,WEI Jiayuan,ZHANG Yi   

  1. China Academy of Space Technology(Xi′an),Xi′an 710100,China
  • Online:2023-03-13 Published:2023-04-25

Abstract:  Focusing on the multi-interference problem of wireless optical ACO_OFDM system in spacecraft cabins,such as multi-path loss and burst interference,a method of link-state-based adaptive interference cancellation was proposed.The in-cabin link state for link-estimation was described.The method used an environment-adaptive RLS(recursive least squares)algorithm with variable forgetting factor,and adopted a differentiated interference elimination strategy for different link states,in order to improve the communication quality in the cabin.Simulation results show that the proposed method has better BER performance in the stationary state and better convergence performance when the link state changes,compared with the traditional algorithm which uses fixed forgetting factor,under the premise of avoiding the complexity of the algorithm.Therefore,the proposed algorithm can flexibly adapt to multiple transmission situations in the cabin.

Key words: spacecraft cabins, ACO_OFDM, interference cancellation, recursive least squares, link state