Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Low Energy Transfer Orbit to the Moon Considering Longitude of the Ascending Node of the Moon

Lu Songtao Zhao Yushan(School of Astronautics,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191)   

  • Online:2009-08-25

Abstract: The basic models of the transfer orbit to the Moon were mainly the restricted two-body model and the restricted three-body model.In the restricted three-body model,the trajectory based on the trajectory class theory required less fuel(save at least 13%) comparing to that of the Hohmann transfer.Sun should be considered in trajectory design,because the trajectory class theory could not be used to solve the single Earth-Moon-Spacecraft restricted three-body problem.Considering the longitude of the ascending node of the Moon,the angle of the ecliptic and Moon orbit,and the correct stable manifolds of Earth-Moon system,the whole Sun-Earth-Moon-Spacecraft system was divided into two parts: the Earth-Moon-Spacecraft planar circular restricted three-body problem,and the Sun-Earth-Spacecraft three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem.The availability of the method was verified by Matlab.